#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Demo of lrparsing.py - A Lua52 to Python compiler. # # SYNOPSIS # lua52.py [--] [program.lua] # # DESCRIPTION # # Compile a Lua version 5.2 program to Python. If the "program.lua" is # supplied it is converted to "program.py", otherwise a Lua 5.2 program # read from standard input is written to standard output. # # WARNING # # This is a demo, not working code. It has compiled and run one Lua 5.2 # program: k-nucleotide #2 from http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ (a # copy of which can be found lrparsing-lua.py) that produces the correct # output. This was sufficient to demonstrate lrparing.py, It is not # enough to make it alpha, let alone beta code. # # If you need more reasons you should not use this module: # # (a) An alternative solution would be to make a lua52 C extension to # Python. If you did that it would run 30 times faster. # # (b) In the Lua standard library, packages and coroutines have not been # implemented at all. Most of the rest hasn't been tested at all. # # Copyright (c) 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2021 Russell Stuart. # Licensed under GPLv2, or any later version. # import itertools import locale import math import os import random import re import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import lrparsing from lrparsing import ( Grammar, Keyword, List, Opt, Prio, Repeat, Ref, Right, THIS, Token, Tokens, TokenRegistry) # # The complete Lua52 grammar. # class Lua52Grammar(Grammar): class T(TokenRegistry): name = Token(re='[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*') short_string = Token(re=r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"' + "|" + r"'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'") long_string = Token(re=r'\[(=*)\[.*?\\]\1\]') decimal_number = Token(re=( '(?:[0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]*)?|[.][0-9]+)' + '(?:[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?')) hex_number = Token(re=( '0[xX]' + '(?:[0-9a-fA-Z]+(?:[.][0-9a-fA-F]*)?|[.][0-9a-fA-F]+)' + '(?:[pP][+-]?[0-9a-zA-F]+)?')) var_args = Token("...") line_comment = Token(re='--(?:\n|(?:[^[\n]|\\[=*[^[=])[^\n]*\n)') block_comment = Token(re=r'--\[(=*)\[.*?\]\1\]') # # Forward declarations. # exp = Ref("exp") prefix_exp = Ref("prefix_exp") last_statement = Ref("last_statement") statement = Ref("statement") # # Collective tokens. # string = T.short_string | T.long_string number = T.decimal_number | T.hex_number variable_ref = List(T.name, ".", min=1) subscript_exp = prefix_exp + '[' + exp + ']' var = variable_ref | subscript_exp var_list = List(var, ',', min=1) exp_list = List(exp, ',', min=1) # # Table constructor. # field = '[' + exp + ']' + '=' + exp | T.name + '=' + exp | exp table_constructor = '{' + List(field, Tokens(", ;"), opt=True) + '}' # # A function call. # function_args = ( '(' + Opt(exp_list) + ')' | table_constructor | string) function_call = ( prefix_exp + function_args | prefix_exp + ':' + T.name + function_args) # # A sequnece of statements. # block = Repeat(statement + Opt(';')) + Opt(last_statement + Opt(';')) # # Scope control. These 0 length productions create and delete scopes # for the variables used and declared between them. # begin_scope = THIS * 0 end_scope = THIS * 0 loop = THIS * 0 begin_loop_scope = begin_scope + loop scope = begin_scope + block + end_scope loop_scope = begin_loop_scope + block + end_scope # # A Function definition. # name_list = Right(List(T.name, ',', min=1)) _parameter_list = T.name | T.var_args | T.name + ',' + THIS parameter_list = Opt(_parameter_list) function_body = ( begin_scope + '(' + parameter_list + ')' + block + end_scope + Keyword('end')) anon_function = Keyword('function') + function_body # # An expression. # constant = Tokens("", 'nil false true') adjusted_exp = '(' + exp + ')' _atom = ( constant | number | string | T.var_args | anon_function | table_constructor) prefix_exp = Prio(function_call, adjusted_exp, var) exp = Prio( _atom, prefix_exp, exp >> '^' >> exp, Tokens("- #", "not") >> exp, exp << Tokens("* / %") << exp, exp >> ".." >> exp, exp << Tokens("+ -") << exp, exp << Tokens("< <= > >= == ~=") << exp, exp << Keyword("and") << exp, exp << Keyword("or") << exp) function_name = variable_ref + Opt(':' + T.name) # # The statements. # assign_st = var_list + '=' + exp_list do_st = Keyword('do') + scope + Keyword('end') while_st = ( Keyword('while') + exp + Keyword('do') + loop_scope + Keyword('end')) repeat_st = Keyword('repeat') + loop_scope + Keyword('until') + exp if_st = ( Keyword('if') + exp + Keyword('then') + scope + Repeat(Keyword('elseif') + exp + Keyword('then') + scope) + Opt(Keyword('else') + scope) + Keyword('end')) for_steps = T.name + '=' + exp + ',' + exp + Opt(',' + exp) for_step_st = ( Keyword('for') + begin_loop_scope + for_steps + Keyword('do') + block + end_scope + Keyword('end')) for_name_list = name_list * 1 for_in_st = ( Keyword('for') + begin_loop_scope + for_name_list + Keyword('in') + exp_list + Keyword('do') + block + end_scope + Keyword('end')) function_call_st = function_call * 1 function_decl_st = Keyword('function') + function_name + function_body local_function_decl_st = ( Keyword('local') + Keyword('function') + T.name + function_body) local_assign_st = Keyword('local') + name_list + Opt('=' + exp_list) statement = ( assign_st | do_st | for_in_st | for_step_st | function_call_st | function_decl_st | if_st | local_assign_st | local_function_decl_st | repeat_st | while_st) return_st = Keyword('return') + Opt(exp_list) break_st = Keyword("break") last_statement = return_st | break_st # # Special grammar symbols. # begin_program = begin_scope * 1 end_program = end_scope * 1 START = begin_program + block + end_program COMMENTS = T.line_comment | T.block_comment # # A List of all python keywords so we can avoid them when generating variable # names. # PYTHON_KEYWORDS = frozenset(( "and", "del", "from", "not", "while", "as", "elif", "global", "or", "with", "assert", "else", "if", "pass", "yield", "break", "except", "import", "print", "class", "exec", "in", "raise", "continue", "finally", "is", "return", "def", "for", "lambda", "try",)) # # Return the an object that will generate python name for a lua name # when passed to str(). The correct python name can't be known until # we have seen where the lua name is used. # class PythonName(object): def __init__(self, variable, table_path): self.__variable = variable self.__table_path = table_path def __str__(self): indexed = [] table_path = self.__table_path while table_path not in self.__variable.table_members: table_path, last = table_path.rsplit(".", 1) indexed.insert(0, last) names = table_path.split(".", 1) if self.__variable.use_namespace: names[0] = "%s.%s" % ( self.__variable.declare_scope, self.__variable.escape(names[0])) else: parent = self.__variable.declare_scope.parent while parent is not None: if names[0] in parent.declared_vars: var = parent.declared_vars[names[0]] if var in self.__variable.declare_scope.nested_used_vars: if not var.use_namespace: break parent = parent.parent if parent is None: names[0] = self.__variable.escape(names[0]) else: names[0] = "_l%d_%s" % (self.__variable.declare_scope.seq, names[0]) return '.'.join(names) + ''.join("[%r]" % i for i in reversed(indexed)) # # Information we keep about a variable declaration. # class Variable(object): declare_scope = None # object, The scope the name was declared in lua_name = None # string, The variable name table_members = None # set, Well known members of this table use_namespace = None # bool, True if must be an explicit namespace def __init__(self, lua_name, declare_scope): self.lua_name = lua_name self.declare_scope = declare_scope self.table_members = set() self.use_namespace = False self.add_table_path(lua_name) def add_table_path(self, table_path): self.table_members.add(table_path) def escape(self, lua_name): escape = lambda lua_name: "_l_" + lua_name if lua_name in PYTHON_KEYWORDS: return escape(lua_name) if lua_name == '_ENV': return lua_name if (self.declare_scope.parent is None and lua_name in Lua52StandardLibrary.__dict__): return lua_name if lua_name[0] == '_': return escape(lua_name) return lua_name def python_name(self, table_path=None): return PythonName(self, table_path or self.lua_name) # # This object collects everything we must know about a Lua scope - # ie the stuff declared within a block. # class Scope(object): __slots__ = ( 'declared_vars', # dict, {'lua_name': Variable(), ...} 'hoist', # list, Code to move above the current code. 'function_depth', # int, Degree of function nesting 'function_name', # object, Generate a name for declare function 'function_vars', # dict, set(Variable(),...) used by this function 'in_loop', # bool, True if this scope is inside a loop 'name', # string, Suggested name for this scope. 'nested_used_vars', # set, set(Variable(),...) in nested scopes 'parent', # object, Scope() that contains this one. 'seq', # int, A unique number allocated to us 'used_vars', # set, set(Variable(),...) used by this scope 'variable',) # object, Variable this scope was assigned to # # Generate the name of a function that has this scope as its body. # This will be its assigned name if there is one, otherwise we just # use the scope name. # class FunctionName(object): def __init__(self, scope): self.scope = scope def __str__(self): if self.scope.variable is not None: return str(self.scope.variable.python_name()) if self.scope.name is not None: return "_f_" + self.scope.name return str(self.scope) # # Create a new instance of ourselves. # def __init__(self, parent, seq): self.hoist = [] self.parent = parent self.seq = seq self.declared_vars = {'_ENV': Variable('_ENV', self)} self.function_name = self.FunctionName(self) self.name = None self.nested_used_vars = set() self.used_vars = set() self.variable = None if self.parent is None: self.function_depth = 0 self.new_function_scope() else: self.function_vars = self.parent.function_vars self.function_depth = self.parent.function_depth self.in_loop = self.parent.in_loop # # Declare a variable as defined in this scope. # def declare_var(self, lua_name): if lua_name not in self.declared_vars: self.declared_vars[lua_name] = Variable(lua_name, self) # # Set a suggested name for this scope. # def set_name(self, token): self.name = token.token # # The variable this scope was assigned to (ie, function name). # def set_variable(self, variable): self.variable = variable # # Say this scope is associated with a function definition. # def new_function_scope(self): self.function_depth += 1 self.function_vars = set() self.in_loop = False # # Return the Variable() associated with a name reference. We search up # through the scope heirarchy, looking for where it was declared. If # it wasn't declared we declare it in the global scope and return that. # def use_var(self, token): scope = self while scope is not None: global_scope = scope if token.token in scope.declared_vars: break scope = scope.parent if scope is None: global_scope.declare_var(token.token) return global_scope.use_var(token) variable = scope.declared_vars[token.token] self.used_vars.add(variable) if scope.function_depth < self.function_depth: loop_scope = self while loop_scope is not None and loop_scope.function_depth == self.function_depth: loop_scope = loop_scope.parent while loop_scope is not None and loop_scope is not scope: if loop_scope.in_loop: assert variable.lua_name != "kfrequency" variable.use_namespace = True break loop_scope = loop_scope.parent return variable # # Generate the code needed to initialise this scope. # def compile(self): result = [] namespace_vars = frozenset( var.python_name() for var in self.declared_vars.values() if var.use_namespace) if namespace_vars: vars = ', '.join( '%s=None' % var for var in sorted(namespace_vars) if var != "_ENV") result.append([self, '= _lua52.Namespace(%s)' % (vars,)]) if self.parent is None or self.parent.function_depth != self.function_depth: global_vars = frozenset( str(v.python_name()) for v in self.function_vars if v.declare_scope.parent is None) if global_vars: result.append(["global " + ", ".join(sorted(global_vars))]) if result: result.append([""]) return tuple(result) # # Return a set of ancestor namespaces used by this scope. # def used_namespaces(self): return sorted(frozenset( str(var.declare_scope) for var in self.function_vars if var.declare_scope.function_depth < self.function_depth if var.use_namespace)) # # This scope is finalised. # def pop(self): self.function_vars |= self.used_vars self.nested_used_vars |= self.used_vars if self.parent is not None: self.parent.nested_used_vars |= self.nested_used_vars # # Return this scopes name. # def __str__(self): scope = self name = "_ENV" while scope.parent is not None: if scope.name is not None: name = scope.name break if scope.variable is not None: name = scope.variable.lua_name break scope = scope.parent result = "_s%d_%s" % (self.seq, name) return result # # Hold global information about the program as we compile it. # class Lua52Compiler(object): scope = None # The current variable scope _compiled = None # The parse tree _counter = None # Used to generate unique numbers. def __init__(self): self._counter = 0 # # Generate a unique number. Used in variable naming. # def seq(self): self._counter += 1 return self._counter # # The tree_factory passed to lrparsing.parse(). # def tree_factory(self, nodes): self._compiled = Lua52Node(self, nodes) return self._compiled # # Define a new scope. # def push_scope(self): self.scope = Scope(self.scope, self.seq()) return self.scope # # The current scope is completed, go back to the other one. # def pop_scope(self): self.scope.pop() self.scope = self.scope.parent # # Declare a variable in the current scope. # def declare_var(self, name): return self.scope.declare_var(name) # # Return instance of the variable to use in this scope. # def use_var(self, token): return self.scope.use_var(token) # # Return the python name for a lua token. # def python_name(self, token): return self.use_var(token).python_name(token.token) # # Return the compiled parse tree as a string. # def compiled(self): result = [] stack = [[self._compiled.compiled, 0]] indent = 0 last = "\n" while stack: top = stack[-1] if len(top[0]) == top[1]: if isinstance(top[0], list): last = "\n" if result and not ''.join(result[-2:]).endswith("\n\n"): result.append(last) stack.pop() continue atom = top[0][top[1]] top[1] += 1 if isinstance(atom, (list, tuple)): stack.append([atom, 0]) continue if atom == Lua52Node.INDENT: indent += 1 continue if atom == Lua52Node.OUTDENT: indent -= 1 continue output = str(atom) if output == "": continue if last == "\n": last = "?" result.append(" " * indent) new_last = output[-1] if new_last == '?': output = output[:-1] if output[0] == '?': result.append(output[1:]) elif last == '?': result.append(output) else: result.append(" ") result.append(output) last = new_last return ''.join(result) # # Each instance of this class represents a node in the parse tree. # # It inherits from tuple because it is a super set of what lrparing.parse() # normally returns. This has two nice effects. Firstly it preserves the raw # output of the parser (the parse_tree), as just adds information (the # compiled form) in an obvious way. Secondly lrparsing.repr_parse_tree() works # on it, which makes printing understandable trace during debugging easier. # # The magic that makes this work is hidden in its __new__ function. # class Lua52Node(tuple): INDENT, OUTDENT = range(2) # # The compiled form mimics the parse tree in that it also is a nested # series of tuples, with the leaves being the string of Python code the # Lua code was compiled into. So a Lua expression statement 'x = 1.0 + y' # might yield: # # ([('x',), '=', (('1.0',), '+', ('y',))]) # # The final result is compiled into one large string after the compile is # finished. It is done this way for 2 reasons. Firstly it avoids the # O(N^2) behaviour of continually concatenating strings. Secondly, it is # the str(leaf) that is used, so a leaf doesn't have to be a string. This # allows us to delay making some decisions until we have seen the entire # program, and in particular it allows us to defer naming a variable until # we have seen all the ways it has been used. # # Putting an element in a list rather than a tuple means it belongs on # a line by itself. # compiled = None # seq, A tuple of compiled code. data = None # object, Data(), repository for random bits of info rhs = None # list, The rhs of the recognised production rule = None # object, The Grammar.Rule on the lhs # # A place to store ancillary data a node it might generate that isn't # compiled code. For example, a block puts the reference to the scope # so the function that declared the scope can get hold of it using: # # self._set_data(scope=compiler.scope) # class Data(object): def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) # # Create a new instance of ourselves. # def __new__(cls, compiler, nodes): result = super(Lua52Node, cls).__new__(cls, nodes) result.rule = nodes[0] result.rhs = nodes[1:] result.data = None if not isinstance(result.rule, Token): name = result.rule.name else: name = result.rule.name.split(".")[-1] result.token = nodes[1] # # These next two lines are the heart of the interface between the # Grammar and the compiler. If Lua52Node has a function with the # same name as a Grammar Symbol, then it is called to compile the # node just output by the parser. If not the default action is # just to concatenate the compiled outputs from the children. # if name in cls.__dict__: result.compiled = cls.__dict__[name](result, compiler) elif isinstance(result.rule, Token): result.compiled = (result.token,) elif len(nodes) == 2: result.compiled = nodes[1].compiled else: result.compiled = tuple(n.compiled for n in nodes[1:]) assert result.compiled is not None, str(result.rule) return result # # Useful for debugging. # def __str__(self): return str(self.rule) # # Useful for debugging. # def __repr__(self): return lrparsing.repr_parse_tree(self, False) # # Save some information for parent nodes. The information is passed as # keywords, and written into self.data.kwd = value. # def _set_data(self, **kwds): if self.data is None: self.data = self.Data() self.data.__dict__.update(kwds) # # Return the position of the current parse tree node in the input stream. # def _position(self): if isinstance(self.rule, Token): return self.rule.position(self) for node in reversed(self.rhs): result = node._position() if result: return result return None # # Compile the right hand side of an assignment statement so it conforms # to Lua assignment semantics. In Lua, the number of expressions on # the right hand side are padded with nil or truncated to match the # number of expressions on the left hand side. Function calls and # "..." are treated specially. If they are the last expression they # extend the right hand expression list, otherwise only the first value # is used. # # Given: # # name, name, ... = exp, ... exp [, tail] # # name_count is the number of names on the left hand side. # exp_list is (exp.compiled, ...) # tail is the trailing "..." or function call, compiled. # def _assign_rhs(self, name_count, exp_list, tail_compiled=None): if not isinstance(exp_list, Lua52Node): tail_node = None else: exp_list, tail_node = exp_list.data.exp_list, exp_list.data.tail tail_compiled = tail_node and tail_node.compiled nones = name_count - len(exp_list) if nones <= 0: padding = () elif nones > len(NONE): padding = '+ (' + ', '.join(("None",) * nones) + ')' else: padding = '+ _lua52.NONE%d' % nones exp_list_compiled = [(compiled, '?,') for compiled in exp_list] if exp_list_compiled: exp_list_compiled[-1] = exp_list_compiled[-1][0] exp_list_compiled = tuple(exp_list_compiled) if tail_compiled is not None: if len(exp_list_compiled) == 0: if not tail_node or self._nested_rule(tail_node, Lua52Grammar.T.var_args): if name_count == 0: return tail_compiled if name_count == 1: return (tail_compiled, '?[0]') elif len(exp_list_compiled) == 1: exp_list_compiled = ('(?', exp_list_compiled, '?,) +') else: exp_list_compiled = ('(?', exp_list_compiled, '?) +') if name_count == 0: return (exp_list_compiled, tail_compiled) exp_list_compiled = ( '(?', exp_list_compiled, tail_compiled, padding, '?)') if name_count == 1: return (exp_list_compiled, '?[0]') return (exp_list_compiled, '?[:%d]' % name_count) if name_count == 0: if len(exp_list_compiled) == 1: return ('(?', exp_list_compiled, '?,)') return exp_list_compiled if len(exp_list) == name_count: return exp_list_compiled if not padding: return ('(?', exp_list_compiled, '?)[:%d]' % name_count) if len(exp_list) == 1: exp_list_compiled = (exp_list_compiled, '?,') return ('((?', exp_list_compiled, '?)', padding, '?)[:%d]' % name_count) # # Compile an argument list according to Lua semantics. The sematics are # the same as assignment, except the list is never truncted. # def _function_args(self, exp_list): compiled = [(compiled, '?,') for compiled in exp_list.data.exp_list] if exp_list.data.tail: compiled.append(('*?', exp_list.data.tail.compiled)) else: compiled[-1] = compiled[-1][0] return tuple(compiled) # # Verify the method names delcared match rules in the passed grammar. # Class members who names start with '_' or who aren't callable are # ignored. # @classmethod def _verify(cls, grammar): for name, value in cls.__dict__.items(): if (name[0] != '_' and callable(value) and not isinstance(value, type)): if name in grammar.__dict__: attr = grammar.__dict__[name] assert isinstance(attr, lrparsing.Rule), name else: attr = grammar.T.__dict__[name] assert isinstance(attr, Token), name # # Return if the node derives to the passed symbol through singleton # productions. # @classmethod def _nested_rule(cls, node, rule): n = node while True: if n.rule is rule: return n if len(n.rhs) != 1 or isinstance(n.rule, Token): return None n = n.rhs[0] # # Test if the passed Lua52Grammar.exp is a list - ie a function call # or "...". # def _is_list(self, exp): if self._nested_rule(exp, Lua52Grammar.function_call): return Lua52Grammar.function_call if self._nested_rule(exp, Lua52Grammar.T.var_args): return Lua52Grammar.T.var_args return None # # ======================================================== # # The remaining functions here have identical names are rules in the # Grammar. The function is called when that rule is recognised. # def short_string(self, compiler): def lua_sub(match): data = match.group() c = data[1] result = self.LUA_SHORT_STRING_ESC.get(c, c) if not callable(result): return result return result(data[1:]) self._set_data(klass=str) return (repr(self.LUA_SHORT_STRING_RE.sub(lua_sub, self.token)[1:-1]),) _string_decimal = lambda data: chr(int(data[1:], 10)) LUA_SHORT_STRING_RE = re.compile(r"(?s)\\[a-v]|\\z\w*|\\[0-9]+|\\x..") LUA_SHORT_STRING_ESC = { 'a': '\a', 'b': '\b', 'f': '\f', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t', 'v': '\v', 'z': '', 'x': lambda data: chr(int(data[2:], 16)), '0': _string_decimal, '1': _string_decimal, '2': _string_decimal, '3': _string_decimal, '4': _string_decimal, '5': _string_decimal, '6': _string_decimal, '7': _string_decimal, '8': _string_decimal, '9': _string_decimal} def long_string(self, compiler): self._set_data(klass=str) marker_len = self.token.find('[', 1) + 1 if self.token[marker_len] == '\n': return (repr(self.token[marker_len + 1:-marker_len]),) return (repr(self.token[marker_len:-marker_len]),) def decimal_number(self, compiler): self._set_data(klass=float) return (repr(float(self.token)),) def hex_number(self, node, compiler): toks = self.token.lower().split("p") if len(toks) == 1: mult = 1.0 else: mult = 2.0 ** int(toks[1]) toks = toks[0].split(".") if len(toks) == 1: number = float(toks[0], 16) * mult else: number = int(toks[0] + toks[1], 16) * mult / 16.0 ** len(toks[1]) self._set_data(klass=float) return (repr(number),) def number(self, compiler): self._set_data(klass=self.rhs[0].data.klass) return self.rhs[0].compiled def var_args(self, compiler): return ("_vargs",) def begin_scope(self, compiler): self._set_data(scope=compiler.push_scope()) return () def end_scope(self, compiler): compiler.pop_scope() return () def loop(self, compiler): compiler.scope.in_loop = True return () def scope(self, compiler): begin_scope, block = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[1] self._set_data(scope=begin_scope.data.scope) return (begin_scope.data.scope.compile(), block.compiled) def loop_scope(self, compiler): begin_loop_scope, block = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[1] self._set_data(scope=begin_loop_scope.data.scope) return (begin_loop_scope.data.scope.compile(), block.compiled) def begin_loop_scope(self, compiler): begin_scope = self.rhs[0] self._set_data(scope=begin_scope.data.scope) return () def variable_ref(self, compiler): variable = compiler.use_var(self.rhs[0]) table_path = '.'.join( self.rhs[i].token for i in range(0, len(self.rhs), 2)) return (variable.python_name(table_path),) def constant(self, compiler): result, klass = self.CONSTANT[self.rhs[0].token] self._set_data(klass=klass) return (repr(result),) CONSTANT = {'nil': (None, None), 'true': (True, bool), 'false': (False, bool)} def _coerce(self, operand, coerce, self_prio=None): if self._nested_rule(operand, Lua52Grammar.function_call): compiled = (operand.compiled, '?[0]') prio = 10 elif self._nested_rule(operand, Lua52Grammar.T.var_args): compiled = ('(?', operand.compiled, '+ _lua52.NONE1', '?)[0]') prio = 10 else: compiled = operand.compiled prio = operand.data.prio if coerce is not None and operand.data.klass != coerce: return ('%s(?' % self.COERCE_TYPE[coerce], compiled, '?)') else: if self_prio is None: self_prio = self.data.prio if prio < self_prio: return ('(?', compiled, '?)') return compiled COERCE_TYPE = { bool: '_lua52.coerce2bool', float: "_lua52.coerce2float", str: "_lua52.coerce2string", } def exp(self, compiler): if len(self.rhs) == 1: _atom = self.rhs[0] rhs = _atom klass = None if rhs is None or rhs.data is None else rhs.data.klass self._set_data(prio=10, klass=klass) return _atom.compiled if len(self.rhs) == 2: prio, klass, coerce, op = self.UNARY_OP[self.rhs[0].token] self._set_data(prio=prio, klass=klass) if op[-1] == "?": return (op, self.rhs[1].compiled, '?)') return (op, self._coerce(self.rhs[1], coerce)) prio, klass, coerce, op = self.BINARY_OP[self.rhs[1].token] self._set_data(prio=prio, klass=klass) exp0, exp1 = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[2] if op[-1] == '?': return (op, exp0.compiled, '?,', exp1.compiled, '?)') if op == '==' and self._nested_rule(exp1, Lua52Grammar.constant): op = 'is' elif op == '!=' and self._nested_rule(exp1, Lua52Grammar.constant): op = 'is not' return (self._coerce(exp0, coerce), op, self._coerce(exp1, coerce)) UNARY_OP = { '#': (8, float, None, "_lua52.lualen(?"), '-': (8, float, float, '-?'), 'not': (8, bool, bool, 'not'), } BINARY_OP = { '^': (9, float, float, '**'), '*': (7, float, float, '*'), '/': (7, float, float, '/'), '%': (7, float, float, '%'), '..': (6, str, None, '_lua52.luaconcat(?'), '+': (5, float, float, '+'), '-': (5, float, float, '-'), '<': (4, bool, None, '<'), '<=': (4, bool, None, '<='), '>=': (4, bool, None, '>='), '>': (4, bool, None, '>'), '==': (4, bool, None, '=='), '~=': (4, bool, None, '!='), 'and': (3, bool, bool, 'and'), 'or': (2, bool, bool, 'or'), } def adjusted_exp(self, compiler): exp = self.rhs[1] self._set_data(klass=exp.data.klass) if self._is_list(exp): return ('(?', exp.compiled, '+ (None,))[0]') return exp.compiled def prefix_exp(self, compiler): if self.rhs[0].rule is Lua52Grammar.adjusted_exp: self._set_data(klass=self.rhs[0].data.klass) return self.rhs[0].compiled def subscript_exp(self, compiler): prefix_exp, exp = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[2] return (prefix_exp.compiled, '?[?', exp.compiled, '?]') def table_constructor(self, compiler): args = [] for i in range(1, len(self.rhs) - 1, 2): field = self.rhs[i] if len(field.rhs) == 1: args.append(field.compiled) else: if args and args[-2] == '?}': args[-2:] = ['?,'] else: args.append('{?') if len(field.rhs) == 3: key, value = repr(field.rhs[0].token), field.rhs[2].compiled else: key, value = field.rhs[1].compiled, field.rhs[4].compiled args.extend((key, "?:", value, "?}")) args.append("?,") if args: del args[-1] return ("_lua52.LuaTable(?", tuple(args), "?)") def block(self, compiler): return tuple( s.compiled for s in self.rhs if not isinstance(s.rule, Token)) def exp_list(self, compiler): is_list = bool(self._is_list(self.rhs[-1])) if not is_list: last, tail = len(self.rhs), None else: last, tail = len(self.rhs) - 2, self.rhs[-1] exp_list = tuple( self._coerce(self.rhs[i], None, 0) for i in range(0, last, 2)) self._set_data(exp_list=exp_list, tail=tail) return () def function_args(self, compiler): if len(self.rhs) == 1: string_or_table_constructor = self.rhs[0] return string_or_table_constructor.compiled if len(self.rhs) == 2: return () exp_list = self.rhs[1] return self._function_args(exp_list) def function_call(self, compiler): prefix_exp = self.rhs[0] function_args = self.rhs[-1] if len(self.rhs) == 2: if prefix_exp.rhs[0].rule is not Lua52Grammar.adjusted_exp: return (prefix_exp.compiled, '?(?', function_args.compiled, '?)') return ('(?', prefix_exp.compiled, '?)(?', function_args.compiled, '?)') name = self.rhs[2] if self._nested_rule(prefix_exp, Lua52Grammar.T.name): if not function_args.compiled: args = ('(?', prefix_exp.compiled, '?)') else: args = ('(?', prefix_exp.compiled, '?,', function_args.compiled, '?)') return (prefix_exp.compiled, '?[%r]?' % name.token, args) if not function_args.compiled: args = '(m)' else: args = ('(m,', function_args.compiled, '?)') return ( '(lambda m: m[%r]?' % name.token, args, '?)', '?(?', prefix_exp.compiled, '?)') def parameter_list(self, compiler): compiler.scope.new_function_scope() if len(self.rhs) == 0: params = () var_args = None else: var_args = self.rhs[-1] if self._nested_rule(var_args, Lua52Grammar.T.var_args): names_end = len(self.rhs) - 2 else: names_end = len(self.rhs) var_args = None params = [] for i in xrange(0, names_end, 2): var = self.rhs[i] compiler.declare_var(var.token) params.append(compiler.python_name(var)) self._set_data(params=params, var_args=var_args) return ("?(*%s)" % self.ARG_NAME,) def function_body(self, compiler): begin_scope, parameter_list, body = ( self.rhs[0], self.rhs[2], self.rhs[4]) scope = begin_scope.data.scope # # We never know now many arguments will be passed, as Lua says # if too few are passed the remainder are set to nil, and if too # append are passed they are dropped unless captured by ... # # Arrange to do all that here. # param_count = len(parameter_list.data.params) arg_setup = [scope.compile()] if parameter_list.data.var_args is not None and param_count == 0: arg_setup.append([ parameter_list.data.var_args.compiled, "= %s" % (self.ARG_NAME,)]) elif param_count > 0: if param_count <= len(NONE): extend = '_lua52.NONE%d' % param_count else: extend = '_lua52.NONE1 * %d' % param_count param_vars = sum( ([v, '?,'] for v in parameter_list.data.params), []) if parameter_list.data.var_args is None: add = '(%s + %s)' % (self.ARG_NAME, extend) if param_count == 1: param_vars[-1] = '= %s[0]' % (add,) else: param_vars[-1] = "= %s[:%d]" % (add, param_count) arg_setup.extend([param_vars]) else: arg_setup.extend(( ["%s +=" % self.ARG_NAME, extend], param_vars)) if param_count == 1: param_vars[-1] = '= %s[0]' % (self.ARG_NAME,) else: param_vars[-1] = "= %s[:%d]" % (self.ARG_NAME, param_count) arg_setup.append([ parameter_list.data.var_args.compiled, "= %s[%d:]" % (self.ARG_NAME, param_count)]) function_definition = ( ["def", scope.function_name, parameter_list.compiled, "?:"], self.INDENT, tuple(arg_setup), body.compiled, self.OUTDENT,) used_namespaces = scope.used_namespaces() uses_namespaces = bool(used_namespaces) self._set_data(scope=scope, uses_namespaces=uses_namespaces) if not uses_namespaces: compiler.scope.hoist.append(([""], function_definition)) return (scope.function_name,) call = ( scope.function_name, "?(?", tuple((n, '?,') for n in used_namespaces), "?)") definition = ( [''], ["def", call, "?:"], self.INDENT, function_definition, ["return", scope.function_name], self.OUTDENT) compiler.scope.hoist.append(definition) return call ARG_NAME = "_args" def anon_function(self, compiler): function_body = self.rhs[1] return function_body.compiled def assign_st(self, compiler): var_list, exp_list = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[2] name_count = (len(var_list.rhs) + 1) / 2 rhs = self._assign_rhs(name_count, exp_list) return [var_list.compiled, "=", rhs] def do_st(self, compiler): scope = self.rhs[1] return scope.compiled def while_st(self, compiler): while_exp, loop_scope = self.rhs[1], self.rhs[3] return ( ['while', self._coerce(while_exp, bool, 0), '?:'], self.INDENT, loop_scope.compiled, self.OUTDENT) def repeat_st(self, compiler): loop_scope, until_exp = self.rhs[1], self.rhs[3] prio, klass = self.UNARY_OP["not"][:1] return ( ['while True:'], self.INDENT, loop_scope.compiled, ['if not', self._coerce(untilt_exp, klass, prio), '?):'], self.INDENT, ['break'], self.OUTDENT, self.OUTDENT) def if_st(self, compiler): compiled = [] i = 0 while self.rhs[i].token == 'if' or self.rhs[i].token == 'elseif': kwd, condition, scope = ( self.rhs[i], self.rhs[i + 1], self.rhs[i + 3]) ife = "if" if kwd.token == "if" else "elif" compiled.extend([ [ife, self._coerce(condition, bool, 0), '?:'], self.INDENT, scope.compiled, self.OUTDENT]) i += 4 if self.rhs[i].token == 'else': scope = self.rhs[i + 1] compiled.extend([ ["else:"], self.INDENT, scope.compiled, self.OUTDENT]) return tuple(compiled) def for_steps(self, compiler): name, exp_start, exp_stop = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[2], self.rhs[4] compiler.declare_var(name.token) if len(self.rhs) == 5: exp_step_compiled = "1" else: exp_step_compiled = self.rhs[6].compiled self._set_data(python_name=compiler.python_name(name)) return ("_lua52.luarange(?", exp_start.compiled, "?,", exp_stop.compiled, "?,", exp_step_compiled, "?)") def for_step_st(self, compiler): begin_loop_scope, for_steps, block = ( self.rhs[1], self.rhs[2], self.rhs[4]) return ( begin_loop_scope.data.scope.compile(), ["for", for_steps.data.python_name, "in", for_steps.compiled, "?:"], self.INDENT, block.compiled, self.OUTDENT) def for_name_list(self, compiler): name_list = self.rhs[0] compiled = [] for i in range(0, len(name_list.rhs), 2): compiler.declare_var(name_list.rhs[i].token) compiled.append((compiler.python_name(name_list.rhs[i]), "?,")) self._set_data(name_count=(len(name_list.rhs) + 1) // 2) compiled[-1] = (compiled[-1][0],) return tuple(compiled) def for_in_st(self, compiler): begin_loop_scope, for_name_list, exp_list, block = ( self.rhs[1], self.rhs[2], self.rhs[4], self.rhs[6]) luaiter = ( '_lua52.luaiter(%d,' % for_name_list.data.name_count, self._function_args(exp_list), '?)') return ( begin_loop_scope.data.scope.compile(), ["for", for_name_list.compiled, "in", luaiter, '?:'], self.INDENT, block.compiled, self.OUTDENT,) def function_call_st(self, compiler): function_call = self.rhs[0] return [function_call.compiled] def function_decl_st(self, compiler): function_name, function_body = self.rhs[1], self.rhs[2] variable_ref = function_name.rhs[0] var = variable_ref.compiled if len(function_name.rhs) == 1: last_name = variable_ref.rhs[-1] else: last_name = function_name.rhs[2] var += ("?[%r]" % last_name.token,) function_body.data.scope.set_name(last_name) if (len(function_name.rhs) == 1 and len(variable_ref.rhs) == 1 and not function_body.data.uses_namespaces): return () return ([var, '=', function_body.compiled],) def local_function_decl_st(self, compiler): name, function_body = self.rhs[2], self.rhs[3] compiler.declare_var(name.token) variable = compiler.use_var(name) function_body.data.scope.set_variable(variable) if not function_body.data.uses_namespaces: return () return [variable.python_name(name.token), '=', function_body.compiled] def local_assign_st(self, compiler): name_list = self.rhs[1] variables = [] for i in range(0, len(name_list.rhs), 2): name = name_list.rhs[i] compiler.declare_var(name.token) variables.append((compiler.python_name(name), "?,")) variables[-1] = variables[-1][0] if len(self.rhs) == 2: return () name_count = (len(name_list.rhs) + 1) / 2 exp_list = self.rhs[3] rhs = self._assign_rhs(name_count, exp_list) return [tuple(variables), "=", rhs] def return_st(self, compiler): if len(self.rhs) == 1: return (["return _lua52.NONE1"],) exp_list = self.rhs[1] return (["return", self._assign_rhs(0, exp_list)],) def break_st(self, compiler): return (["break"],) def function_call_st(self, compiler): function_call = self.rhs[0] return [function_call.compiled] def statement(self, compiler): st = self.rhs[0] hoisted, compiler.scope.hoist = compiler.scope.hoist, [] blank_line = [""] if hoisted else () return (tuple(hoisted), st.compiled, blank_line) def last_statement(self, compiler): return self.statement(compiler) def begin_program(self, compiler): def r(path, root, klass): for name, value in klass.__dict__.items(): if "__" in name: continue real_name = name if not name.startswith("_l_") else name[3:] new_path = path + "." + real_name root.add_table_path(new_path) if isinstance(value, type): r(new_path, root, value) begin_scope = self.rhs[0] scope = begin_scope.data.scope for name, value in Lua52StandardLibrary.__dict__.items(): if "__" not in name: real_name = name if not name.startswith("_l_") else name[3:] scope.declare_var(real_name) root = scope.declared_vars[real_name] if isinstance(value, (PythonTable, type)): r(name, root, value) self._set_data(scope=scope) return () def START(self, compiler): begin_program, block = self.rhs[0], self.rhs[1] return ( ["#!/usr/bin/python3"], ["import lua52 as _lua52"], ["_lua52.init(locals())"], [""], ["def main(*_args):"], self.INDENT, begin_program.data.scope.compile(), block.compiled, self.OUTDENT, [""], ["if __name__ == '__main__':"], self.INDENT, ["main()"], self.OUTDENT, ) Lua52Node._verify(Lua52Grammar) # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Runtime and Lua Standard Library # NONE1 = (None,) * 1 NONE2 = (None,) * 2 NONE3 = (None,) * 3 NONE4 = (None,) * 4 NONE5 = (None,) * 5 NONE6 = (None,) * 6 NONE7 = (None,) * 7 NONE8 = (None,) * 8 NONE9 = (None,) * 9 NONE = (NONE1, NONE2, NONE3, NONE4, NONE5, NONE6, NONE7, NONE8, NONE9) # # In Lua a string may be a float or a string. # def coerce2string(obj): if not isinstance(obj, (float, int)): return obj i = int(obj) if i == obj: return str(i) return str(obj) # # In Lua a float may be a float or a string. # def coerce2float(obj): if not isinstance(obj, (basestring, int)): return obj return float(obj) # # Lua's floats are all truthy, including 0.0. # class ZeroTrue(float): def __nonzero__(self): return True ZeroTrue.zero = ZeroTrue(0) # # Lua's strings are all truthy, including "". # class EmptyStringTrue(str): def __nonzero__(self): return True EmptyStringTrue.empty_string = EmptyStringTrue("") # # Convery a Lua value to a boolean. # def coerce2bool(v): if v not in COERCE2BOOL: return v return COERCE2BOOL[v] COERCE2BOOL = { 0.0: ZeroTrue.zero, "": EmptyStringTrue.empty_string, } # # Concatenate two strings. # def luaconcat(s1, s2): if isinstance(s1, LuaTable): meta = s1.metadict["__concat"] if meta != LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]: return meta(s1, s2) if isinstance(s2, LuaTable): meta = s2.metadict["__concat"] if meta != LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]: return meta(s1, s2) return coerce2string(s1) + coerce2string(s2) # # In Lua, range() takes floats. # def luarange(start, stop, step): start = coerce2float(start) stop = coerce2float(stop) step = coerce2float(step) if step < 0: while start >= stop: yield start start += step else: while start <= stop: yield start start += step # # Convert a Lua iterator into a Python iterator # def luaiter(name_count, *_args): func, start, nxt = (_args + NONE2)[:3] if name_count == 1: nxt = func(start, nxt)[0] while nxt is not None: yield nxt nxt = func(start, nxt)[0] else: padding = (None,) * (name_count - 1) nxt = func(start, nxt) while nxt[0] is not None: yield (nxt + padding)[:name_count] nxt = func(start, nxt[0]) # # Return the length of an object. # def lualen(v): if isinstance(v, basestring): return len(v) if isinstance(v, LuaTable): meta = v.metadict["__len"] if meta != LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]: return meta(v) return v.lualen assert isinstance(v, (basestring, LuaTable)) # # A Namespace object - hold LUA variables that live in a scope. # class Namespace(object): def __init(cls, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) self._ENV = self.__dict__ # # A Lua table. # class LuaTable(dict): __NAN = float("nan") __METAFUNCS = ( '__add', '__sub', '__mul', '__div', '__mod', '__pow', '__unm', '__concat', '__len', '__eq', '__lt', '__le', '__index', '__newindex', '__call') __keys = None __version = None NOTIMPLEMENTED = (lambda *args: NotImplemented,) METANOTIMPL = dict.fromkeys(__METAFUNCS, NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]) lualen = None metatable = None metadict = None def __init__(self, *args): i = 0.0 for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): self.update(arg) else: i += 1.0 if arg is not None: self[i] = arg self.__version = 0 self.__keys = (self.__version, None) self.__version += 1 self.lualen = i self.metadict = self.METANOTIMPL def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) meta = self.metadict["__index"] if meta != LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]: return meta(self, key)[0] return None def keys(self): if self.__keys[0] != self.__version: self.keys = [self.__version, tuple(self)] return self.__keys[1] # # In Lua, a Table is always truthy, even empty ones. # def __nonzero__(self): return True def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert key is not None and key != self.__NAN if value is None: if key in self: meta = self.metadict["__newindex"] if meta != LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]: meta(self, key, value) return del self[key] self.__version += 1 if key > 0.0 and isinstance(key, float) and math.floor(key) == key: if key >= self.lualen: self.lualen = key - 1.0 else: if key not in self: meta = self.metadict["__newindex"] if meta != LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0]: meta(self, key, value) return self.__version += 1 ll = self.lualen + 1.0 if ll == key: ll += 1 while ll in self: ll += 1 self.lualen = ll dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __add__(self, other): return self.metadict["__add"](self, other) def __sub__(self, other): return self.metadict["__sub"](self, other) def __div__(self, other): return self.metadict["__div"](self, other) def __mul__(self, other): return self.metadict["__mul"](self, other) def __pow__(self, other): return self.metadict["__pow"](self, other) def __neg__(self, other): return self.metadict["__unm"](self) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, LuaTable): return False meta = self.metadict["__eq"] if meta == LuaTable.NOTIMPLEMENTED[0] or meta != other.metadict["__eq"]: return False return coerce2bool(meta(self, other)) def __lt__(self, other): return self.metadict["__lt"](self, other) def __le__(self, other): return self.metadict["__le"](self, other) def __call__(self, *args): return self.metadict["__call"](self, *args) # # Initialise the Lua module. # def init(module_dict): if '_ENV' in module_dict: return module_dict["_ENV"] = module_dict module_dict.update(Lua52StandardLibrary()) # # A kludge so next operates in O(1). # class NextFloat(float): def __new__(cls, value, index): result = super(NextFloat, cls)(value) result.index = index return result class NextString(str): def __new__(cls, value, index): result = super(NextString, cls)(value) result.index = index return result # # A Lua Table in Python. # class PythonTable(LuaTable): # # Enter all our members into the dict. This must be done AFTER all # members have been initialised, and if change anything the dict # must be manually updated. # def __init__(self): LuaTable.__init__(self) for obj in self.__class__, self: for name, value in obj.__dict__.items(): if "__" not in name: if not isinstance(value, classmethod): self[name] = value else: self[name] = value.__get__(None, obj) # # The Lua string package. # class String(PythonTable): __RE_CLASSES = { '%a': '[a-zA-Z]', '%A': '[\x00-@\\[-`{-\xff]', '%d': '[0-9]', '%D': '[\x00-/:-~]', '%g': '[\x09-\x0d!-~]', '%G': '[\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f\x7f-\xff]', '%l': '[a-z]', '%L': '[\x00-`{-\xff]', '%p': '[\x09-\x0d!-/:-@[-`{-~]', '%P': '[\x00-x08\x0e- 0-9a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff]', '%s': '[\x09-\x0d ]', '%S': '[\x00-\x08\x0e-\x0d ]', '%u': '[A-Z]', '%U': '[\x00-`{-\xff]', '%x': '[0-9a-zA-F]', '%X': '[\x00-/:-@G-`{-\xff]', '\\': '\\\\', } __RE_EQUIV = { '%*': '\\*', '%?': '\\?', '%.': '\\.', '%1': '\\1', '%2': '\\2', '%3': '\\3', '%4': '\\4', '%5': '\\5', '%6': '\\6', '%7': '\\7', '%8': '\\8', '%9': '\\9', '{': '\\{', '}': '\\}', '|': '\\|', } @classmethod def _pattern(cls, pattern): def sub(match): matched = match.group() if matched in cls.__RE_EQUIV: return cls.__RE_EQUIV[matched] if matched[0] == '%': if matched in cls.__RE_CLASSES: return cls.__RE_CLASSES[matched] if matched[1] == 'b': raise StandardError("Sorry, %b isn't supported") if matched[1] == 'f': return '(? 0: i -= 1 elif i < 0: i += ll if j is None: j = ll - 1 else: j = int(coerce2float(j)) if j < 0: j += ll + 1 return max(i, 0), min(j, ll) @classmethod def byte(cls, s, i=None, j=None): s = coerce2string(s) if i is None: i = 1 if j is None: j = i i, j = cls.__index(s, i, j) return tuple(ord(s[k - 1]) for k in range(i, j)) @classmethod def char(cls, *args): return (''.join(chr(int(coerce2float(a))) for a in args),) @classmethod def find(cls, s, pattern, init=None, plain=None): s = coerce2string(s) pattern = coerce2string(pattern) if init is not None: init = int(coerce2float(init)) if init > 0: init -= 1 s = s[init:] if plain: result = s.find(pattern) return NONE1 if result == -1 else (result,) match = re.search(cls._pattern(pattern), s[init:]) if match is None: return NONE1 return match.span() + match.groups() @classmethod def format(cls, format, *args): format = coerce2string(format) return (format % args,) @classmethod def gmatch(cls, s, pattern): s = coerce2string(s) pattern = coerce2string(pattern) items = [None, re.finditer(cls._pattern(pattern), s)] def _gmatch(s, v): if not items[0]: match = next(items[1], None) if match is None: return NONE1 items[0] = match.groups() if items[0]: items[0] = list(reversed(items[0])) else: items[0] = [match.group()] return (items[0].pop(),) return _gmatch, s, pattern @classmethod def gsub(cls, s, pattern, repl, n=None): s = coerce2string(s) pattern = coerce2string(pattern) if isinstance(repl, (basestring, float)): repl = coerce2string(repl) def sub(match): result = match.group() for pcnt in reversed(re.finditer("%[%0-9]", result)): pmatch = pcnt.group() if pcnt[1] == "%": repl = '%' else: repl = result.group(int(pcnt[1])) data = data[:pcnt.start()] + repl + data[pcnt.end():] return data elif isinstance(repl, LuaTable): def sub(match): matched = match.group() matches = match.groups() key = matches[0] if matches else matched retval = repr[key] if not coerce2bool(retval[0]): return matched return key elif callable(repl): def sub(match): matched = match.group() args = match.groups() retval = repl(*args) if args else repl(matched) if not coerce2bool(retval[0]): return matched return retval else: assert isinstance(repl, (basestring, LuaTable)) or callable(repl) if n is None: return re.subn(cls._pattern(pattern), s, sub) return re.subn(cls._pattern(pattern), s, sub, int(coerce2float(n))) @classmethod def len(cls, s): return (len(coerce2string(s)),) @classmethod def lower(cls, s): return (coerce2string(s).lower(),) @classmethod def match(cls, s, pattern, init=None): s = coerce2string(s) pattern = coerce2string(pattern) if init is not None: init = int(coerce2float(init)) if init > 0: init -= 1 s = s[init:] match = re.search(cls._pattern(pattern), s[init:]) if match is None: return NONE1 result = match.groups() if result: return (result,) return (match.group(),) @classmethod def rep(cls, s, n, sep=None): s = coerce2string(s) n = int(coerce2float(n)) if sep is not None: sep = coerce2string(sep) return (sep.join((s,) * n),) return (s * n,) @classmethod def reverse(cls, s): return (''.join(reverse(coerce2string(s))),) @classmethod def sub(cls, s, i, j=None): s = coerce2string(s) i, j = cls.__index(s, i, j) return (s[i:j],) @classmethod def upper(cls, s): return (coerce2string(s).upper(),) # # The Lua table package. # class Table(PythonTable): @classmethod def concat(cls, table, sep=None, i=None, j=None): sep = '' if sep is None else coerce2string(sep) i = 1.0 if i is None else coerce2float(i) j = lualen(table) if j is None else coerce2float(j) return (sep.join(table[k] for k in luarange(i, j, 1.0)),) @classmethod def insert(cls, table, pos, value=None): ll = lualen(table) if value is not None: pos = math.floor(coerce2float(pos)) else: value, pos = pos, ll + 1.0 for i in luarange(ll, pos, -1.0): dict.__setitem__(table, i + 1.0, table[i]) if value is not None: table[pos] = value table.lualen = ll + 1.0 return NONE1 @classmethod def pack(cls, *args): n = len(args) return (LuaTable(('n', n), *args),) @classmethod def remove(cls, table, pos=None): if pos is None: pos = table.lualen assert isinstance(pos, float) if pos not in table: return NONE1 result = table[pos] while pos in table: table[pos + 1.0] = table[pos] del table[pos] return (result,) @classmethod def sort(cls, table, comp=None): values = [table[i] for i in luarange(1.0, lualen(table), 1.0)] if comp is None: values.sort() else: cmp = lambda o1, o2: -1 if comp(o1, o2)[0] else 0 if o1 == o2 else 1 values.sort(cmp) for i in range(len(values)): table[float(i + 1.0)] = values[i] return NONE1 @classmethod def unpack(cls, table, i=None, j=None): assert isinstance(table, LuaTable) return tuple(table[i] for i in luarange(1.0, table.lualen, 1.0)) # # The Lua math package. # class Math(PythonTable): @classmethod def abs(cls, x): return (math.abs(x),) @classmethod def acos(cls, x): return (math.acos(x),) @classmethod def asin(cls, x): return (math.asin(x),) @classmethod def atan(cls, x): return (math.atan(x),) @classmethod def atan2(cls, x): return (math.atan2(x),) @classmethod def ceil(cls, x): return (math.ceil(x),) @classmethod def acos(cls, x): return (math.acos(x),) @classmethod def cosh(cls, x): return (math.cosh(x),) @classmethod def acos(cls, x): return (math.acos(x),) @classmethod def deg(cls, x): return (math.degrees(x),) @classmethod def exp(cls, x): return (math.exp(x),) @classmethod def floor(cls, x): return (math.floor(x),) @classmethod def fmod(cls, x): return (math.fmod(x),) @classmethod def frexp(cls, x): return (math.frexp(x),) @classmethod def acos(cls, x): return (math.acos(x),) huge = 1.79769313486231580793e308 @classmethod def ldexp(cls, x): return (math.ldexp(x),) @classmethod def log(cls, x, base=None): if base is None: return (math.log(x),) return (math.log(x, base),) @classmethod def max(cls, *args): return (math.max(args),) @classmethod def min(cls, *args): return (math.min(args),) @classmethod def modf(cls, x): return math.modf(x) @classmethod def acos(cls, x): return (math.acos(x),) pi = math.pi @classmethod def pow(cls, x): return (math.pow(x),) @classmethod def rad(cls, x): return (math.rad(x),) @classmethod def random(cls, m=None, n=None): random = randon.random() if m is None: return (random,) if n is None: n, m = m, 1.0 return (m + random * m,) @classmethod def randomseed(cls, x): random.seed(x) return NONE1 @classmethod def sin(cls, x): return (math.sin(x),) @classmethod def sinh(cls, x): return (math.sinh(x),) @classmethod def sqrt(cls, x): return (math.sqrt(x),) @classmethod def tan(cls, x): return (math.tan(x),) @classmethod def tanh(cls, x): return (math.tanh(x),) # # The Lua bit32 package. # class Bit32(PythonTable): @classmethod def bit32(cls, x, disp): if disp < 0: return (int(x) << disp,) return (float(int(x) >> disp),) @classmethod def band(cls, *args): result = -1 for arg in args: result &= int(arg) return (float(result & 0xffffffff),) @classmethod def bnot(cls, *args): result = -1 for arg in args: result &= ~int(arg) return (float(result & 0xffffffff),) @classmethod def bor(cls, *args): result = 0 for arg in args: result |= int(arg) return (float(result & 0xffffffff),) @classmethod def btest(cls, *args): result = -1 for arg in args: result &= int(arg) return (result != 0,) @classmethod def bxor(cls, *args): result = 0 for arg in args: result ^= int(arg) return (float(result & 0xffffffff),) @classmethod def extract(cls, n, field, width=None): field = int(field) width = 1 if width is None else int(width) mask = (1 << field + width) - (1 << field) + 1 return (float((int(n) & mask) >> field),) @classmethod def replace(cls, n, v, field, width=None): n = int(n) & 0xffffffff field = int(field) v = int(v) & ((1 << field + 1) - 1) return (float((n - cls.extract(n, field, width)) + v),) @classmethod def lrotate(cls, n, disp): if disp < 0: return cls.rrotate(cls, n, -disp) n = int(n) & 0xffffffff disp = int(disp) return (float(n >> disp | (n & (1 << disp) - 1) << (32 - disp)),) @classmethod def lshift(cls, n, disp): if disp < 0: return cls.rshift(cls, n, -disp) n = int(n) disp = int(disp) return (float(n >> disp),) @classmethod def rrotate(cls, n, disp): if disp < 0: return cls.lrotate(cls, n, -disp) n = int(n) disp = int(disp) i = (n << disp & 0xffffffff) i |= (n & (1 << 32) - (1 << disp)) >> disp return (float(i),) @classmethod def rshift(cls, n, disp): if disp < 0: return cls.lshift(cls, n, -disp) n = int(n) disp = int(disp) return (float(n << disp & 0xffffffff),) # # The Lua io package. # class Io(PythonTable): def __init__(self): super(Io, self).__init__() self.__default_input = self.__Io(sys.stdin) self.__default_output = self.__Io(sys.stdout) class __Io(PythonTable): __DEFAULT_FORMAT = ("*l",) def __init__(self, handle): PythonTable.__init__(self) self["buffering"] = "full" self["handle"] = handle self["lookahead"] = "" self["open"] = True @classmethod def close(cls, io): try: io["hande"].close() io["open"] = False except EnvironmentError as e: return (None, str(e), e.errno) return (True,) @classmethod def flush(cls, io): try: io["hande"].flush() except EnvironmentError as e: return (None, str(e), e.errno) return (True,) @classmethod def lines(cls, io, *formats): if not formats: formats = cls.__DEFAULT_FORMAT def lines(io, v): eof, result = cls.__read(io, formats) return NONE1 if eof else result return lines, io, None @classmethod def __read_n(cls, io, arg): read = [''] def next(): c = io["lookahead"] if c: c, io["lookahead"] = c[0], c[1:] else: c = io["handle"].read(1) read[0] += c return c def abort(): io["lookahead"] = read[0] return (read == '', None) c = next() if c and c in "+-": c = next() if c and c in '0123456789': while c and c in '0123456789': c = next() decimals = c == '.' if decimals: c = next() elif c != '.': return abort() else: c = next() if not c or c not in '0123456789': return abort() decimals = True if decimals: while c and c in '0123456789': c = next() if c and c in "eE": c = next() if c in '-+': c = next() while c and c in '0123456789': c = next() if c: io["lookahead"] += read[0][-1] read[0] = read[0][:-1] return (not c, float(read[0])) @classmethod def __read_l(cls, io, arg): lookahead = io["lookahead"] if not lookahead: line = next(io["handle"], None) if line is None: return (True, line) else: io["lookahead"] = "" if lookahead[-1] == '\n': line = lookahead else: line = next(io["handle"], None) if line is None: line = lookahead else: line = lookahead + line return (False, line.rstrip("\n")) @classmethod def __read_L(cls, io, arg): lookahead = io["lookahead"] if not lookahead: line = next(io["handle"], None) if line is None: return (True, line) else: io["lookahead"] = "" if lookahead[-1] == '\n': line = lookahead else: line = next(io["handle"], None) if line is None: line = lookahead else: line = lookahead + line return (False, line) @classmethod def __read_bytes(cls, io, arg): data = io["lookahead"] if arg >= len(lookahead): data, io["lookahead"] = data[:arg], data[arg:] return data data = data + io["handle"].read(arg - len(data)) if not data: return (True, None) return (False, data) @classmethod def __read(cls, io, formats): result = [] read_bytes = cls.__read_bytes for fmt in formats: eof, data = cls.__READ.get(fmt, read_bytes)(io, fmt) result.append(data) if eof: break return (eof, tuple(result)) @classmethod def read(cls, io, *formats): if not formats: formats = cls.__DEFAULT_FORMAT try: return cls.__read(io, formats)[1] except EnvironmentError as e: return (None, str(e), e.errno) @classmethod def seek(cls, io, whence=None, offset=None): if whence is not None: assert whence in cls.__WHENCE_MAP io["handle"].seek(offset or 0, cls.__WHENCE_MAP[whence]) return (io["handle"].tell(),) __WHENCE_MAP = { "set": os.SEEK_SET, "cur": os.SEEK_CUR, "end": os.SEEK_END} @classmethod def setvbuf(cls, io, mode, size=None): assert mode in ("no", "full", "line") io["buffering"] = mode return NONE1 @classmethod def write(cls, io, *args): nlseen = False for arg in args: data = coerce2string(arg) nlseen = nlseen or "\n" in data io["handle"].write(data) if (io["buffering"] == "no" or io["buffering"] == "line" and nlseen): io["handle"].flush() return NONE1 __Io.__READ = { "*l": __Io.__read_l, "*L": __Io.__read_L, "*n": __Io.__read_n, } def close(self, io=None): if io is None: io = self.__default_output return io.close(io) def flush(self): io = self.__default_output return io.flush(io) def input(self, io): if io is not None: if isinstance(io, basestring): io = self.__Io(open(io)) self.__default_input = io return (self.__default_input,) def lines(self, filename=None, *formats): if filename is None: io = self.__default_input return io.lines(io, *formats) if not formats: formats = cls.__DEFAULT_FORMAT io = self.__Io(open(filename)) func, obj, index = io.lines(io, formats) def lines(obj, index): result = func(obj, index) if result[0] is None: obj.close(obj) return obj return lines, obj, index def open(self, filename, mode=None): assert mode in ( None, "r", "w", "a", "r+", "w+", "a+", "rb", "wb", "ab", "r+b", "w+b", "a+b",) return (self.__Io(open(filename, mode or 'r')),) def output(self, io): if io is not None: if isinstance(io, basestring): io = self.__Io(open(io, "w")) self.__default_output = io return (self.__default_output,) def popen(self, prog, mode=None): assert mode in (None, "r", "w") if mode == 'w': kwds = {'stdin': subprocess.PIPE} handle = subprocess.Popen(prog, shell=True, **kwds).stdin else: kwds = {'stdout', subprocess.PIPE} handle = subprocess.Popen(prog, shell=True, **kwds).stdout return (self.__Io(handle),) def read(self, *args): io = self.__default_input return io.read(io, *args) def tmpfile(self): return (self.__Io(tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+")),) def type(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, self.__Io): return NONE1 return (obj["open"] and "file" or "closed file",) def write(self, *args): io = self.__default_output return io.write(io, *args) # # The Lua os package. # class Os(PythonTable): def __init__(self): super(Os, self).__init__() self.__start_time = time.time() def clock(self): return (time.time() - self.__start_time,) @classmethod def date(cls, fmt=None, t=None): if t is None: t = time.time() if not fmt: utc, fmt = False, "" elif fmt[0] != '!': utc = False else: utc, fmt = True, fmt[1:] if utc: t = time.localtime(t) else: t = time.gmtime(t) if fmt == "*t": result = LuaTable({ year: "%4d" % t.tm_year, month: "%02d" % t.tm_mon, day: "%02d" % t.tm_mday, hour: "%02d" % t.tm_hour, min: "%02d" % t.tm_min, sec: "%02d" % t.tm_sec, wday: "%d" % t.tm_wday, yday: "%d" % t.tm_yday, isdst: "%d" % t.tm_isdst }) return (result,) if not fmt: return (time.strftime("%c", t),) return (time.strftime(fmt, t),) @classmethod def difftime(cls, t2, t1): return (t2 - t1,) @classmethod def execute(cls, command=None): if command is None: return (True,) retval = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) result = retval == 0 and True or None if os.WIFSIGNALED(retvat): return (result, "signal", os.WTERMSIG(retval)) return (result, "exit", os.WEXITSTATUS(retval)) @classmethod def exit(cls, code=None, close=None): if code is None or code is True: os.exit(0) if code is False: os.exit(1) os.exit(int(code)) @classmethod def getenv(cls, varname): return (os.environ.get(varname),) @classmethod def remove(cls, filename): try: os.remove(filename) except EnvironmentError as e: return (None, str(e), e.errno) return (True,) @classmethod def rename(cls, oldname, newname): try: os.rename(oldname, newname) except EnvironmentError as e: return (None, str(e), e.errno) return (True,) _LOCAL_CATEGORIES = dict( (name[3:].lower(), value) for name, value in locale.__dict__.items() if name.startswith("LC_")) @classmethod def setlocale(cls, locale, category=None): if category is None: category = "all" assert category in cls._LOCAL_CATEGORIES cat = cls._LOCAL_CATEGORIES[category] if locale is None: return (locale.setlocale(cat),) assert isinstance(locale, basestring) try: return (locale.setlocale(cat, locale),) except locale.Error: return NONE1 @classmethod def time(cls, table=None): if table is None: return (time.time(),) tup = ( int(table["year"], 10), int(table["month"], 10), int(table["mday"], 10), int(table["hour"], 10), int(table["min"], 10), int(table["sec"], 10), 0, 0, int(table["isdst"], 10),) return time.mktime(tup) @classmethod def tmpname(cls): return tempfile.mkstemp() # # Members of this class (and it's nested classes) are the Lua standard library. # class Lua52StandardLibrary(PythonTable): __is_running = True _G = LuaTable() _VERSION = "Lua 5.2" def __init__(self): for name, value in self.__class__.__dict__.items(): if "__" not in name: if isinstance(value, type) and PythonTable in value.__bases__: self.__dict__[name] = value() super(Lua52StandardLibrary, self).__init__() bit32 = Bit32 io = Io math = Math os = Os string = String table = Table @classmethod def _l_assert(cls, v, message=None): assert v, message return NONE1 @classmethod def collectgarbage(self, opt, arg=None): if opt == "count": return 1, 1 if opt == "isrunning": return self.__is_running if opt == "stop": self.__is_running = False if opt == "restart": self.__is_running = True return NONE1 @classmethod def dofile(cls, filename=None): assert NotImplementedError() @classmethod def getmetatable(cls, obj): if not isinstance(obj, LuaTable): return NONE1 return (table.metatable,) @classmethod def ipairs(cls, t): if isinstance(t, LuaTable) and "__ipairs" in t.metadict: return t.metadict["__ipairs"](t) def _ipairs(s, v): v += 1.0 if v in s: return (v, s[v]) return NONE1 return _ipairs, t, 0.0 @classmethod def next(cls, t, index=None): keys = t.keys() if index is None: i = -1 elif isinstance(index, (NextFloat, NextString)): i = index.index else: try: i = keys.index(index) except ValueError: return NONE1 i += 1 if i >= len(keys): return NONE1 result = keys[i] if isinstance(result, float): result = NextFloat(result, i) elif isinstance(result, str): result = NextString(result, i) return (result,) @classmethod def pairs(cls, t): def _pairs(s, v): return next(items, (None,)) if isinstance(t, LuaTable) and "__ipairs" in t.metadict: return t.metadict["__pairs"](t) items = t.items() return _pairs, t, None @classmethod def pcall(cls, function, *args): try: return (True,) + function(*args) except StandardError as e: return (False, str(e)) @classmethod def _l_print(cls, *args): for arg in args: print(cls.tostring(arg)[0],) print() return NONE1 @classmethod def rawequal(cls, v1, v2): v1, v2 = (args + NONE2)[:2] return (v1 == v2,) @classmethod def rawget(cls, table, index): if not dict.__contains__(table, index): return (None,) return (dict.__getitem__(table, index),) @classmethod def rawlen(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, LuaTable): return obj.lualen return (lualen(obj),) @classmethod def rawset(cls, table, index, value): assert index is not None and index is not float("nan") dict.__setitem__(table, index, value) return (table,) @classmethod def select(cls, index, *rest): if index == "#": return len(rest) return rest[int(coerce2float(index)):] @classmethod def setmetatable(cls, table, metatable): assert isinstance(table, LuaTable), table if metatable is None: table.metatable = LuaTable.METANOTIMPL table.metadict = LuaTable() else: assert isinstance(metatable, LuaTable) assert metatable.metatable is None table.metatable = metatable table.metadict = LuaTable.METANOTIMPL.copy() table.metadict.update(metatable) return (table,) @classmethod def tonumber(cls, obj, base=None): if base is not None: return float(int(coerce2string(obj), int(base))) try: return (coerce2float(obj),) except ValueError: return NONE1 @classmethod def tostring(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, LuaTable) and "__tostring" in obj.metadict: return t.metadict["__tostring"](t) if obj is None: return ("nil",) if isinstance(obj, (float, basestring)): return (coerce2string(obj),) return ("%s: 0x%x" % (cls.type(obj), id(obj)),) __TYPES = { bool: "boolean", float: "number", str: "string", LuaTable: "table", type(lambda: None): "function", } @classmethod def type(cls, v): return (cls.__TYPES[type(v)],) # # Compile a Lua program and return the Python source code. # def compile_lua52(lua52_source): pre_comp = Lua52Grammar.pre_compile_grammar(Lua52Grammar.pre_compiled) if pre_comp is not None: print( "Please edit set %r and set %s.pre_compiled to:" % (__file__, Lua52Grammar.__name__)) print(pre_comp) sys.exit(1) lua52_compiler = Lua52Compiler() parse_tree = Lua52Grammar.parse(lua52_source, lua52_compiler.tree_factory) return lua52_compiler.compiled() def main(argv=sys.argv): i = 1 if len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] == '--compile': pre_compiled_in = None else: pre_compiled_in = Lua52Grammar.pre_compiled start_time = time.time() try: pre_comp = Lua52Grammar.pre_compile_grammar(pre_compiled_in) except Exception: try: print(Lua52Grammar.repr_grammar()) print() print(Lua52Grammar.repr_productions()) print() print(Lua52Grammar.repr_parse_table()) finally: raise if pre_comp is not None: print("compile time: %f secs" % (time.time() - start_time)) print( "Please edit set %r and set %s.pre_compiled to:" % (__file__, Lua52Grammar.__name__)) print(pre_comp) sys.exit(1) if len(argv) > i and argv[i] == '--': i += 1 if len(argv) > i + 1 or i == 2 and argv[i].startswith("-"): sys.stderr.write("usage: %s [--] [lua_source]\n" % argv[0]) sys.exit(1) if len(argv) < i + 1: sys.stdout.write(compile_lua52(sys.stdin.read())) else: input_filename = argv[i] compiled = compile_lua52(open(input_filename).read()) output_filename = os.path.splitext(input_filename)[0] + ".py" open(output_filename, "w").write(compiled) mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(input_filename).st_mode) try: os.chmod(output_filename, mode & 0o777) os.chmod(output_filename, mode) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.EPERM: raise Lua52Grammar.pre_compiled = ('3a6d52d160ea5fddb860ea01cde9b1d14504d073161423b74c84b6886ba7ddaa88b0bbcea73521718d5f5d16396fa7daba528e1ee4da692a087990afd2907a86', 0, ({"'return'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), 'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'function'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), '__end_of_input__': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'local'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'for'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'repeat'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'do'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'break'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'while'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'if'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {2: 1, 4: 2, 7: 3}, ['']), ({'__end_of_input__': 4}, {}, ['']), ({"'return'": 11, 'T.name': 31, "'function'": 28, '__end_of_input__': (5, 0, 'block'), "'local'": 30, "'for'": 26, "'('": 37, "'repeat'": 32, "'do'": 25, "'break'": 12, "'while'": 33, "'if'": 29}, {5: 5, 8: 6, 10: 7, 12: 8, 13: 9, 14: 10, 18: 13, 19: 14, 20: 15, 21: 16, 22: 17, 23: 18, 24: 19, 25: 20, 26: 21, 27: 22, 28: 23, 30: 24, 40: 27, 57: 34, 59: 35, 62: 36, 69: 38, 70: 39, 73: 40, 86: 41, 87: 42, 88: 43, 89: 44, 108: 45}, ['START']), ({"'return'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), 'T.name': (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'function'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), '__end_of_input__': (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'local'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'for'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'('": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'repeat'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'do'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'break'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'while'": (4, 1, 'begin_program'), "'if'": (4, 1, 'begin_program')}, {}, ['begin_program']), ({'__empty__': (0, 2, '')}, {}, ['']), ({'__end_of_input__': (11, 0, 'end_scope')}, {11: 47, 6: 46}, ['START']), ({"'else'": (5, 1, 'block'), '__end_of_input__': (5, 1, 'block'), "';'": 48, "'elseif'": (5, 1, 'block'), "'end'": (5, 1, 'block'), "'until'": (5, 1, 'block')}, {}, ['block']), ({"'return'": 11, 'T.name': 31, "'end'": (5, 1, 'block'), "'function'": 28, "'if'": 29, '__end_of_input__': (5, 1, 'block'), "'local'": 30, "'else'": (5, 1, 'block'), "'for'": 26, "'('": 37, "'repeat'": 32, "'do'": 25, "'break'": 12, "'elseif'": (5, 1, 'block'), "'while'": 33, "'until'": (5, 1, 'block')}, {8: 49, 12: 8, 13: 9, 14: 50, 18: 13, 19: 14, 20: 15, 21: 16, 22: 17, 23: 18, 24: 19, 25: 20, 26: 21, 27: 22, 28: 23, 30: 24, 40: 27, 57: 34, 59: 35, 62: 36, 69: 38, 70: 39, 73: 40, 86: 41, 87: 42, 88: 43, 89: 44, 108: 45}, ['block']), ({"'else'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), '__end_of_input__': (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "';'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "'elseif'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "'end'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "'until'": (8, 1, 'last_statement')}, {}, ['last_statement']), ({"'else'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), '__end_of_input__': (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "';'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "'elseif'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "'end'": (8, 1, 'last_statement'), "'until'": (8, 1, 'last_statement')}, {}, ['last_statement']), ({"'return'": (10, 1), 'T.name': (10, 1), "'end'": (10, 1), "'function'": (10, 1), "'else'": (10, 1), '__end_of_input__': (10, 1), "';'": 51, "'break'": (10, 1), "'for'": (10, 1), "'('": (10, 1), "'repeat'": (10, 1), "'do'": (10, 1), "'local'": (10, 1), "'elseif'": (10, 1), "'if'": (10, 1), "'while'": (10, 1), "'until'": (10, 1)}, {}, ['block']), ({"'{'": 81, 'T.name': 57, "'end'": (12, 1, 'return_st'), "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'else'": (12, 1, 'return_st'), "'false'": 102, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'-'": 98, "'nil'": 101, '__end_of_input__': (12, 1, 'return_st'), "'('": 60, "';'": (12, 1, 'return_st'), 'T.var_args': 84, "'not'": 100, "'function'": 55, "'elseif'": (12, 1, 'return_st'), 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82, "'until'": (12, 1, 'return_st')}, {16: 52, 29: 53, 40: 54, 45: 56, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['return_st']), ({"'else'": (13, 1, 'break_st'), '__end_of_input__': (13, 1, 'break_st'), "';'": (13, 1, 'break_st'), "'elseif'": (13, 1, 'break_st'), "'end'": (13, 1, 'break_st'), "'until'": (13, 1, 'break_st')}, {}, ['break_st']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'return'": (14, 1, 'statement'), 'T.name': (14, 1, 'statement'), "'end'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'function'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'else'": (14, 1, 'statement'), '__end_of_input__': (14, 1, 'statement'), "';'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'break'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'for'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'('": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'repeat'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'do'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'local'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'elseif'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'if'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'while'": (14, 1, 'statement'), "'until'": (14, 1, 'statement')}, {}, ['statement']), ({"'='": 106}, {}, ['assign_st']), ({"'return'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), 'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'end'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'function'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'local'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'for'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'repeat'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'do'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'break'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'while'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'if'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {33: 108, 7: 107}, ['do_st']), ({'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {36: 110, 7: 109}, ['for_in_st', 'for_step_st']), ({"';'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'end'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), 'T.long_string': (87, 1), "'return'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'function'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'elseif'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'('": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), 'T.short_string': (87, 1), "'do'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'break'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), '__end_of_input__': (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "':'": (87, 1), "'{'": (87, 1), "'else'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'repeat'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'while'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'until'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), 'T.name': (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'['": (87, 1), "'for'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'if'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st'), "'local'": (22, 1, 'function_call_st')}, {}, ['function_call_st', 'prefix_exp']), ({'T.name': 31}, {73: 40, 42: 111, 62: 112}, ['function_decl_st']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 113, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['if_st']), ({'T.name': 174, "'function'": 172}, {50: 173, 68: 175, 85: 176}, ['local_assign_st', 'local_function_decl_st']), ({"'{'": (73, 1), "':'": (73, 1), "'['": (73, 1), "','": (73, 1), "'('": (73, 1), "'.'": (73, 1), "'='": (73, 1), 'T.long_string': (73, 1), 'T.short_string': (73, 1)}, {}, ['variable_ref']), ({"'return'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), 'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'function'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'if'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'local'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'for'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'repeat'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'do'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'break'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'while'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'until'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {36: 177, 53: 178, 7: 109}, ['repeat_st']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 180, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['while_st']), ({"'='": (30, 1, 'var_list'), "','": 189}, {}, ['var_list']), ({"':'": 161, "'{'": 81, "'('": 162, "'['": 190, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {72: 164, 60: 160, 71: 163}, ['function_call', 'subscript_exp']), ({"':'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'{'": (69, 1, 'var'), "','": (69, 1, 'var'), "'('": (69, 1, 'var'), "'['": (69, 1, 'var'), "'='": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.long_string': (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.short_string': (69, 1, 'var')}, {}, ['var']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 193, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['adjusted_exp']), ({"':'": (89, 1), "'{'": (89, 1), "','": (57, 1), "'('": (89, 1), "'['": (89, 1), "'='": (57, 1), 'T.long_string': (89, 1), 'T.short_string': (89, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp', 'var_list']), ({"':'": (59, 1, 'prefix_exp'), "'{'": (59, 1, 'prefix_exp'), "'('": (59, 1, 'prefix_exp'), "'['": (59, 1, 'prefix_exp'), 'T.long_string': (59, 1, 'prefix_exp'), 'T.short_string': (59, 1, 'prefix_exp')}, {}, ['prefix_exp']), ({"'{'": (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), "':'": (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), "'['": (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), "','": (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), "'('": (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), "'.'": 194, "'='": (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), 'T.long_string': (62, 1, 'variable_ref'), 'T.short_string': (62, 1, 'variable_ref')}, {}, ['variable_ref']), ({"':'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'{'": (69, 1, 'var'), "','": (69, 1, 'var'), "'('": (69, 1, 'var'), "'['": (69, 1, 'var'), "'='": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.long_string': (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.short_string': (69, 1, 'var')}, {}, ['var']), ({"':'": (70, 1), "'{'": (70, 1), "'('": (70, 1), "'['": (70, 1), 'T.long_string': (70, 1), 'T.short_string': (70, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp']), ({"':'": (70, 1), "'{'": (70, 1), "'('": (70, 1), "'['": (70, 1), 'T.long_string': (70, 1), 'T.short_string': (70, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp']), ({"':'": (70, 1), "'{'": (70, 1), "'('": (70, 1), "'['": (70, 1), 'T.long_string': (70, 1), 'T.short_string': (70, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp']), ({"':'": (88, 1), "'{'": (88, 1), "'('": (88, 1), "'['": (88, 1), 'T.long_string': (88, 1), 'T.short_string': (88, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp']), ({'__end_of_input__': (2, 3, 'START')}, {}, ['START']), ({'__end_of_input__': (6, 1, 'end_program')}, {}, ['end_program']), ({'__end_of_input__': (5, 2, 'block'), "'else'": (5, 2, 'block'), "'end'": (5, 2, 'block'), "'elseif'": (5, 2, 'block'), "'until'": (5, 2, 'block')}, {}, ['block']), ({"'else'": (5, 2, 'block'), 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"'end'": (76, 1), "']'": (76, 1), 'T.long_string': 83, "'^'": (76, 1), "'elseif'": (76, 1), "','": (76, 1), "'('": 162, "'..'": (76, 1), "'do'": (76, 1), "'*'": (76, 1), "'>'": (76, 1), '__end_of_input__': (76, 1), "':'": 161, "'>='": (76, 1), "'{'": 81, "'else'": (76, 1), "'and'": (76, 1), "'or'": (76, 1), 'T.short_string': 82, "'until'": (76, 1), "'then'": (76, 1), "'/'": (76, 1), "'-'": (76, 1), "'['": 165, "')'": (76, 1), "'~='": (76, 1), "'}'": (76, 1), "'+'": (76, 1), "'<'": (76, 1)}, {72: 164, 60: 160, 71: 163}, ['exp', 'function_call', 'subscript_exp']), ({"'=='": (69, 1, 'var'), "';'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'<='": (69, 1, 'var'), "'%'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'end'": (69, 1, 'var'), "']'": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.long_string': (69, 1, 'var'), "'return'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'function'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'^'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'elseif'": (69, 1, 'var'), "','": (69, 1, 'var'), "'('": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.short_string': (69, 1, 'var'), "'>='": (69, 1, 'var'), "'break'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'*'": (69, 1, 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70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['adjusted_exp']), ({"'=='": (45, 1, 'exp'), "';'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'<='": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'%'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'end'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "']'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'return'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'function'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'^'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'elseif'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "','": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'('": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'while'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'>='": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'break'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'*'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'>'": (45, 1, 'exp'), '__end_of_input__': (45, 1, 'exp'), "'do'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'else'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'and'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'repeat'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'or'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'..'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'until'": (45, 1, 'exp'), 'T.name': (45, 1, 'exp'), "'then'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'/'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'-'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "')'": (45, 1, 'exp'), "'for'": (45, 1, 'exp'), 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1)}, {}, ['exp']), ({"'=='": (69, 1, 'var'), "';'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'<='": (69, 1, 'var'), "'%'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'end'": (69, 1, 'var'), "']'": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.long_string': (69, 1, 'var'), "'return'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'function'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'^'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'elseif'": (69, 1, 'var'), "','": (69, 1, 'var'), "'('": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.short_string': (69, 1, 'var'), "'>='": (69, 1, 'var'), "'break'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'*'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'while'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'>'": (69, 1, 'var'), '__end_of_input__': (69, 1, 'var'), "':'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'do'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'{'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'else'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'and'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'repeat'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'or'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'..'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'until'": (69, 1, 'var'), 'T.name': (69, 1, 'var'), "'then'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'/'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'-'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'['": (69, 1, 'var'), "')'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'for'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'if'": (69, 1, 'var'), "'~='": (69, 1, 'var'), "'local'": 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76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 206, 87: 207, 88: 208, 89: 209, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 210, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['assign_st']), ({"'return'": 11, 'T.name': 31, "'function'": 28, "'else'": (5, 0, 'block'), "'elseif'": (5, 0, 'block'), "'local'": 30, "'end'": (5, 0, 'block'), "'for'": 26, "'('": 37, "'repeat'": 32, "'do'": 25, "'break'": 12, "'while'": 33, "'if'": 29}, {5: 217, 8: 6, 10: 7, 12: 8, 13: 9, 14: 10, 18: 13, 19: 14, 20: 15, 21: 16, 22: 17, 23: 18, 24: 19, 25: 20, 26: 21, 27: 22, 28: 23, 30: 24, 40: 27, 57: 34, 59: 35, 62: 36, 69: 38, 70: 39, 73: 40, 86: 41, 87: 42, 88: 43, 89: 44, 108: 45}, ['scope']), ({"'end'": 230}, {}, ['do_st']), ({"'return'": (58, 0, 'loop'), 'T.name': (58, 0, 'loop'), "'end'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'function'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'if'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'local'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'for'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'('": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'repeat'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'do'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'break'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'while'": (58, 0, 'loop'), "'until'": (58, 0, 'loop')}, {58: 179}, ['begin_loop_scope']), ({'T.name': 229}, {50: 228, 37: 226, 68: 175, 85: 176, 39: 227}, ['for_in_st', 'for_step_st']), ({"'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {43: 224, 7: 170}, ['function_decl_st']), ({"':'": 235, "'('": (42, 1, 'function_name')}, {}, ['function_name']), ({"'>='": 133, "'^'": 123, "'then'": 223, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'or'": 137, "'-'": 124, "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'and'": 136, "'+'": 129, "'~='": 135, "'*'": 125, "'<'": 130, "'..'": 128, "'>'": 132}, {}, ['exp', 'if_st']), ({"'=='": (99, 2), "';'": (99, 2), "'<='": (99, 2), "'%'": (99, 2), "'end'": (99, 2), "']'": (99, 2), "'return'": (99, 2), "'function'": (99, 2), "'^'": 123, "'elseif'": (99, 2), "','": (99, 2), "'('": (99, 2), "'while'": (99, 2), "'>='": (99, 2), "'break'": (99, 2), "'*'": (99, 2), "'>'": (99, 2), '__end_of_input__': (99, 2), "'do'": (99, 2), "'else'": (99, 2), "'and'": (99, 2), "'repeat'": (99, 2), "'or'": (99, 2), "'..'": (99, 2), "'until'": (99, 2), 'T.name': (99, 2), "'then'": (99, 2), "'/'": (99, 2), "'-'": (99, 2), "')'": (99, 2), "'for'": (99, 2), "'if'": (99, 2), "'~='": (99, 2), "'local'": (99, 2), "'}'": (99, 2), "'+'": (99, 2), "'<'": (99, 2)}, {}, ['exp']), ({"'=='": (99, 2), "';'": (99, 2), "'<='": (99, 2), "'%'": (99, 2), "'end'": (99, 2), "']'": (99, 2), "'return'": (99, 2), "'function'": (99, 2), "'^'": 123, "'elseif'": (99, 2), "','": (99, 2), "'('": (99, 2), "'while'": (99, 2), "'>='": (99, 2), "'break'": (99, 2), "'*'": (99, 2), "'>'": (99, 2), '__end_of_input__': (99, 2), "'do'": (99, 2), "'else'": (99, 2), "'and'": (99, 2), "'repeat'": (99, 2), "'or'": (99, 2), "'..'": (99, 2), "'until'": (99, 2), 'T.name': (99, 2), "'then'": (99, 2), "'/'": (99, 2), "'-'": (99, 2), "')'": (99, 2), "'for'": (99, 2), "'if'": (99, 2), "'~='": (99, 2), "'local'": (99, 2), "'}'": (99, 2), "'+'": (99, 2), "'<'": (99, 2)}, {}, ['exp']), 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(73, 1), "'<='": (73, 1), "'%'": (73, 1), 'T.long_string': (73, 1), "'^'": (73, 1), "','": (73, 1), "'('": (73, 1), "'.'": (73, 1), "'>='": (73, 1), "'*'": (73, 1), "'='": 236, "'>'": (73, 1), "':'": (73, 1), "'{'": (73, 1), "'..'": (73, 1), "'and'": (73, 1), "'or'": (73, 1), 'T.short_string': (73, 1), "'/'": (73, 1), "'-'": (73, 1), "'['": (73, 1), "'~='": (73, 1), "'}'": (73, 1), "'+'": (73, 1), "'<'": (73, 1)}, {}, ['field', 'variable_ref']), ({"'=='": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "';'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'<='": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'%'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'end'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "']'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), 'T.long_string': (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'return'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'function'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'^'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'elseif'": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "','": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), "'('": (71, 2, 'table_constructor'), 'T.short_string': (71, 2, 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69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['exp']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 141, 59: 211, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['exp']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 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87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 109: 167, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['table_constructor']), ({"'=='": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "';'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'<='": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'%'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'end'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "']'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), 'T.long_string': (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'return'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'function'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'^'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'elseif'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "','": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'('": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'..'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'>='": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'break'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'*'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'while'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "'>'": (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), '__end_of_input__': (71, 3, 'table_constructor'), "':'": (71, 3, 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7: 170}, ['local_function_decl_st']), ({"'return'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), 'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'end'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'function'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'else'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'elseif'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'local'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'for'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'repeat'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'do'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'break'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'while'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'if'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {33: 249, 7: 107}, ['if_st']), ({"'return'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), 'T.name': (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'end'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'function'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'else'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), '__end_of_input__': (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "';'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'local'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'for'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'('": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'repeat'": (23, 3, 'function_decl_st'), "'do'": (23, 3, 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"'end'": 272}, {}, ['if_st']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 275, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['if_st']), ({"'return'": 11, 'T.name': 31, "'end'": (5, 0, 'block'), "'function'": 28, "'local'": 30, "'for'": 26, "'('": 37, "'repeat'": 32, "'do'": 25, "'break'": 12, "'while'": 33, "'if'": 29}, {5: 276, 8: 6, 10: 7, 12: 8, 13: 9, 14: 10, 18: 13, 19: 14, 20: 15, 21: 16, 22: 17, 23: 18, 24: 19, 25: 20, 26: 21, 27: 22, 28: 23, 30: 24, 40: 27, 57: 34, 59: 35, 62: 36, 69: 38, 70: 39, 73: 40, 86: 41, 87: 42, 88: 43, 89: 44, 108: 45}, ['for_step_st']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {16: 277, 29: 53, 40: 54, 45: 56, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['for_in_st']), ({"'end'": (33, 3, 'scope'), "'elseif'": (33, 3, 'scope'), "'else'": (33, 3, 'scope')}, {}, ['scope']), ({"':'": (87, 1), "'{'": (87, 1), "'('": (87, 1), "'['": (87, 1), 'T.long_string': (87, 1), 'T.short_string': (87, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp']), ({"':'": (89, 1), "'{'": (89, 1), "','": (57, 3), "'('": (89, 1), "'['": (89, 1), "'='": (57, 3), 'T.long_string': (89, 1), 'T.short_string': (89, 1)}, {}, ['prefix_exp', 'var_list']), ({"'>='": 133, "'^'": 123, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'or'": 137, "'-'": 124, "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'and'": 136, "'+'": 129, "'>'": 132, "'~='": 135, "'*'": 125, "']'": 278, "'..'": 128, "'<'": 130}, {}, ['exp', 'subscript_exp']), ({"':'": (108, 3, 'adjusted_exp'), "'{'": (108, 3, 'adjusted_exp'), "'('": (108, 3, 'adjusted_exp'), "'['": (108, 3, 'adjusted_exp'), 'T.long_string': (108, 3, 'adjusted_exp'), 'T.short_string': (108, 3, 'adjusted_exp')}, {}, ['adjusted_exp']), ({"'{'": (73, 3), "':'": (73, 3), "'['": (73, 3), "','": (73, 3), "'('": (73, 3), "'.'": (73, 3), "'='": (73, 3), 'T.long_string': (73, 3), 'T.short_string': (73, 3)}, {}, ['variable_ref']), ({'T.var_args': 215, 'T.name': 212}, {74: 279}, ['_parameter_list']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 280, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['for_steps']), ({"'('": (42, 3, 'function_name')}, {}, ['function_name']), ({"'^'": 123, "'>'": 132, "'>='": 133, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'~='": 135, "'-'": 124, "';'": (109, 3, 'field'), "','": (109, 3, 'field'), "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'..'": 128, "'or'": 137, "'and'": 136, "'}'": (109, 3, 'field'), "'*'": 125, "'+'": 129, "'<'": 130}, {}, ['exp', 'field']), ({"'='": 281}, {}, ['field']), ({"'=='": (43, 7, 'function_body'), "';'": (43, 7, 'function_body'), "'<='": (43, 7, 'function_body'), "'%'": (43, 7, 'function_body'), "'end'": (43, 7, 'function_body'), "']'": (43, 7, 'function_body'), "'return'": (43, 7, 'function_body'), 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7, 'function_body'), "'<'": (43, 7, 'function_body')}, {}, ['function_body']), ({"'end'": 282}, {}, ['if_st']), ({"'return'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), 'T.name': (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'end'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'function'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'else'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), '__end_of_input__': (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'local'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "';'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'elseif'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'for'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'('": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'repeat'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'do'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'break'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'if'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'while'": (24, 6, 'if_st'), "'until'": (24, 6, 'if_st')}, {}, ['if_st']), ({"'return'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), 'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'end'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'function'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'local'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'for'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'repeat'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'do'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'break'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'while'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'if'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {33: 283, 7: 107}, ['if_st']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 284, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['if_st']), ({"'>='": 133, "'^'": 123, "'then'": 285, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'or'": 137, "'-'": 124, "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'and'": 136, "'+'": 129, "'~='": 135, "'*'": 125, "'<'": 130, "'..'": 128, "'>'": 132}, {}, ['exp', 'if_st']), ({"'end'": (11, 0, 'end_scope')}, {11: 286}, ['for_step_st']), ({"'do'": 287}, {}, ['for_in_st']), ({"':'": (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), "'{'": (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), "','": (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), "'('": (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), "'['": (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), "'='": (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), 'T.long_string': (86, 4, 'subscript_exp'), 'T.short_string': (86, 4, 'subscript_exp')}, {}, ['subscript_exp']), ({"')'": (74, 3)}, {}, ['_parameter_list']), ({"'^'": 123, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'>='": 133, "'-'": 124, "','": 288, "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'~='": 135, "'and'": 136, "'+'": 129, "'>'": 132, "'or'": 137, "'*'": 125, "'..'": 128, "'<'": 130}, {}, ['exp', 'for_steps']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 289, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['field']), ({"'return'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), 'T.name': (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'end'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'function'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'else'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), '__end_of_input__': (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'local'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "';'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'elseif'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'for'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'('": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'repeat'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'do'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'break'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'if'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'while'": (24, 7, 'if_st'), "'until'": (24, 7, 'if_st')}, {}, ['if_st']), ({"'end'": 290}, {}, ['if_st']), ({"'^'": 123, "'then'": 291, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'>='": 133, "'-'": 124, "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'~='": 135, "'and'": 136, "'+'": 129, "'>'": 132, "'or'": 137, "'*'": 125, "'..'": 128, "'<'": 130}, {}, ['exp', 'if_st']), ({"'return'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), 'T.name': (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'end'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'function'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'else'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'elseif'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'local'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'for'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'('": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'repeat'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'do'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'break'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'while'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope'), "'if'": (7, 0, 'begin_scope')}, {33: 292, 7: 107}, ['if_st']), ({"'end'": 293}, {}, ['for_step_st']), ({"'return'": 11, 'T.name': 31, "'end'": (5, 0, 'block'), "'function'": 28, "'local'": 30, "'for'": 26, "'('": 37, "'repeat'": 32, "'do'": 25, "'break'": 12, "'while'": 33, "'if'": 29}, {5: 294, 8: 6, 10: 7, 12: 8, 13: 9, 14: 10, 18: 13, 19: 14, 20: 15, 21: 16, 22: 17, 23: 18, 24: 19, 25: 20, 26: 21, 27: 22, 28: 23, 30: 24, 40: 27, 57: 34, 59: 35, 62: 36, 69: 38, 70: 39, 73: 40, 86: 41, 87: 42, 88: 43, 89: 44, 108: 45}, ['for_in_st']), ({'T.name': 57, "'true'": 103, "'#'": 99, "'false'": 102, 'T.var_args': 84, "'-'": 98, "'{'": 81, "'not'": 100, "'('": 60, "'nil'": 101, 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"'nil'": 101, 'T.hex_number': 105, "'function'": 55, 'T.decimal_number': 104, 'T.long_string': 83, 'T.short_string': 82}, {40: 54, 45: 300, 59: 58, 62: 59, 66: 61, 69: 62, 70: 63, 71: 64, 72: 65, 73: 66, 75: 67, 76: 68, 77: 69, 78: 70, 79: 71, 80: 72, 81: 73, 82: 74, 83: 75, 84: 76, 86: 77, 87: 78, 88: 79, 89: 80, 97: 85, 98: 86, 99: 87, 100: 88, 101: 89, 102: 90, 103: 91, 104: 92, 105: 93, 108: 94, 110: 95, 111: 96, 112: 97}, ['for_steps']), ({"'return'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), 'T.name': (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'end'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'function'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'else'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), '__end_of_input__': (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'local'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "';'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'elseif'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'for'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'('": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'repeat'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'do'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'break'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'if'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'while'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st'), "'until'": (20, 9, 'for_in_st')}, {}, ['for_in_st']), ({"'>='": 133, "'^'": 123, "'=='": 134, "'/'": 126, "'or'": 137, "'-'": 124, "'<='": 131, "'%'": 127, "'and'": 136, "'+'": 129, "'>'": 132, "'~='": 135, "'*'": 125, "'do'": (39, 7, 'for_steps'), "'..'": 128, "'<'": 130}, {}, ['exp', 'for_steps'])) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) # vim: set shiftwidth=4 expandtab softtabstop=8 :